Request (EN) Request (SK) List of awardees
Slovak Junior Champion (SKCJ)
- The title will be awarded to a cavy that receives three CACs from the BABY or JUNIOR class, from at least two different judges at Slovak shows. One CAC may be from a foreign show. The title will not be awarded if the cavy has already received the title of Slovak Champion.
Slovak Champion (SKCH)
- The title will be awarded to a cavy that receives five CACs (at least 1 CAC from the ADULT class) at Slovak shows. Two CACs may be from foreign shows. The CACs must be from at least two different judges.
Grand Champion (SKGC)
- The title may be awarded to a cavy that already holds the title of Slovak Champion and has received three CACs in the ADULT class from at least two different judges at Slovak shows.
Inter Champion (SKIC)
- The title may be awarded to a cavy that already holds the title of Grand Champion and has received two CACs in the ADULT class at a Slovak show and one at a foreign show, or has received two CACs in the ADULT class at foreign shows and one from a Slovak show, also in the ADULT class. The CACs must be from at least two different judges.
Fees price list:
Standard | Members of SZCH Cavy org. | |
Awarding of titles (electronic) | €3.00 | €2.00 |
Awarding of titles (without diploma) | €1.50 | €1.00 |
Registration of a cavy in the PK SZCH register (mandatory) | €1.50 | €1.00 |
IBAN (PK SZCH): SK73 8330 0000 0022 0246 3125 or Paypal |
Basic provisions:
- The basic condition for granting the championship is that the cavy must be recorded and kept in the "PK morčiat SZCH", or meet the requirements for preservation and recording (CZ registration or SK preservation proposal from an assessor) and in that case it will be subsequently recorded and kept for a fee.
- The championship is confirmed solely by "PK morčiat SZCH".
- The application for granting the title must be sent electronically. The application must be accompanied by a copy of the CAC diploma and a certificate of origin.
- The proof of recognition of the championship is an electronic diploma (issued within 30 days).
- The recognition of the title is subject to a fee according to the current price list.
Recognition of CAC awards:
a) obtained at a Slovak show
- CACs from the shows SZCH listed on the website's list of accepted and completed shows ( will be recognized. CACs awarded by other organizations will not be accepted.
b) obtained at a foreign show
- CACs awarded by the show organizer will be recognized. CACs awarded by other organizations will not be accepted. In case the country does not issue CACs, the verbal assessment V / HV or the point score of at least 95/100 will be considered as this award. The specific CAC may only be used for granting one championship (multiple use of CAC is excluded).
Information obtained from the website