Cavyshow.sk annually evaluates the competition for the most successful kennel and most successful cavy of the year. The evaluation of the competition takes place in the first quarter, and the announcement of the results occurs in the second quarter of the following year. After the evaluation, exhibitors registered on Cavyshow.sk with an active newsletter subscription will be informed via email about the announcement of the results.
All awarded cavies and their kennels are automatically included in the competition and are evaluated according to the rules below. The top three kennels and cavies will receive an electronic diploma. The first places in both competitions will receive a €5 credit on Cavyshow.sk, valid for one year, which can be used to pay part of the exhibition fees or as an organizer to pay for online registration. The credit is non-transferable. For Kennel of the Year, both the diploma and the credit go to the breeder. For Cavy of the Year, the diploma goes to both the breeder and the last exhibitor of the cavy who earned points for the competition, but the credit only goes to that exhibitor.
How is the competition evaluated?
The kennel earns points for each cavy exhibited in classes A/B/EE that it has bred, regardless of the exhibitor. A cavy can earn a maximum of 6 points from a single show organized within the SZCH during the monitored period based on the following categories of awards:
- 1. BOB (-B, -J, -A): 1 point
- 1. BOG (-B, -J, -A): 2 points
- 1. BIS (A, B, ...)*: 3 points
- 2. BOG (-B, -J, -A): 0 points
- 2. BIS (A, B, ...): 0 points
The rules are valid from June 9, 2024. The Slovak version of the rules is authoritative, with the texts in English, Polish, and Hungarian being only freer translations.
This is not an official competition of PK, ZO,... of Slovenský zväz chovateľov (SZCH), which may have similar competitions according to their own criteria.