
Basic statistics

Entries Total A B A+B C
Capacity -
Submitted 126 90 17 107 19
Confirmed 126 90 17 107 19
- paid 71        
- payment at the exhibition 55        
On the waiting list 0 0 0 0 0
Uprocessed 0        

Detailed statistics of confirmed entries (st. A/B)

Self/ Non self 30
English Crested 35
American Crested 0
Abyssinian 0
Rex 1
Teddy 2
Swiss 0
Long Haired
Sheltie 7
Coronet 1
Peruvian 2
Texel 9
Merino 1
Alpaca 0
Lunkarya- Peruvian 1
Skinny 12
Baldwin 5
Cuy 0

 All breeds including satin.
 Statistics do not include late entries (X) and unrecognized (N) cavies.